Studio Idan - Fine Art Gallery »» LEGENDS OF SPORTS »» New king by Lionel Hahn

New king

Lionel Hahn

New king par Lionel Hahn

On July 15, 2018, Kylian Mbappé celebrated France’s victory over Croatia in the 2018 FIFA World Cup final at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow, Russia. At just 19 years old, Mbappé scored a crucial goal in this final, contributing to France’s 4-2 victory. This exceptional performance confirmed his status as the new star of world football, often referred to as the “new king.”

Lionel Hahn is an internationally renowned photographer specializing in sports and event photography. Based in Los Angeles, Hahn has worked for various news agencies, and his images have been published in prestigious magazines and newspapers worldwide. He is known for his ability to capture decisive and emotional moments, such as Kylian Mbappé celebrating after the World Cup victory. His work highlights the passion and emotion of sporting events, offering viewers timeless images.