Studio Idan - Fine Art Gallery »» Fine art store »» HA06 – Arles

HA06 - Arles by Nude in the Living Room
Idan Wizen - Arles

Interior View

Size currently shown: Plop

Prints still available

Edition of 3, each unique in size

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Sold out
60 x 90 cm (23,5 x 35,5”)
Sold out

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Original signed and numbered print




Please note, the price of this work of art is progressive.
This means that every time one of the copies is sold, the price of the remaining prints increases.

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Edition of this artwork
Edition of 3, each unique in size

Type of print
Tirage argentique sur papier mat

On the front. Bottom right

Certificate of Authenticity
Yes, included by the gallery.

Year of Creation

Fine Art Artist
Idan Wizen




The "Arles" collection, conceived during the European Photography Festival in Arles, stands out through a revolutionary and spontaneous approach to artistic creation. It consists solely of 25 shots, captured under unique circumstances: models were invited to pose immediately after experiencing Idan Wizen's works during the exhibition. This series emphasizes universal human beauty, transcending sociocultural and aesthetic constraints, and highlights the authenticity and diversity of each individual.

Embodying a spirit of openness and inclusivity, "An Anonymous Nude in the Living Room" offers an alternative perspective on beauty and human expression, far from the uniform standards of beauty. The "Arles" series embodies this approach by capturing the essence of models who, without prior appointments, presented themselves in their purest nudity, thus contributing to the universality of the human genre.

Situated in the Van Gogh space, Idan Wizen set up a studio adjacent to the exhibition, creating a bridge between the viewer and the artwork. This initiative allowed visitors to have an immersive experience, offering them the unique opportunity to become an integral part of the art they had just admired. This direct interaction between the artist, the work, and the audience adds an extra dimension to the collection, making "Arles" a bold and innovative project.

The "Arles" collection reflects Idan Wizen's commitment to exploring and celebrating human complexity. By inviting people from all walks of life to participate in his artistic project, without the barrier of a prior appointment, Wizen succeeded in capturing moments of authenticity and vulnerability rarely observed. These shots are not merely representations of the human form; they are reflections of personal stories, confidences, and courage.

"Arles" is more than a collection of photographs; it is an invitation to reflect on art, our relationship with our own bodies, and art's ability to unite and inspire. Through this series, Idan Wizen once again demonstrates his talent in revealing the intrinsic beauty of humanity, encouraging a deeper and more nuanced appreciation of human diversity.

Nude in the Living Room

Nude in the Living Room

“Who’s that Nude In The Living Room?” is a unique artistic project which aims to constitute the largest photographic series ever made representing humanity as it is, in its most natural state, its nudity and its diversity.

Developed by photographer Idan Wizen, this concept of photographic art aims to bring together thousands of models, volunteers of all ages and from all part of society to constitute a huge bank of portraits of men and women of today who have agreed to to show themselves as they are, nude.

These photographs, in their multitude and the originality of each one of them, their dynamism and their naturalness, show to universal human beauty, far beyond the restrictive socio-cultural and aesthetic criteria of our time.

Anyone who poses in his simplest device participates by his own personality, his differences and his particularities in the universality of the humankind.

Idan Wizen has chosen to exacerbate the true authenticity of each of his models, breaking their possible masks, exposing through each of them, the simple and nude beauty of human nature.

He also defies the usual criteria of nude photography with his shocking photos, with a strong artistic bias, where the spontaneous provocation of one model can rub shoulders with the cheerful and naive expression of another, or the modest revelation of a third.

The uniformity of the beauty criteria of our society as well as its modes of expression, “Who’s that Nude In The Living Room?” opposes the multitude, the variety, the strength of character, the movement, the surprising and the natural to the state gross of mankind.

Each photo is unique as its model, and never touched up. This inevitably challenges us and creates in us a curious feeling of closeness, of belonging. Because these models are all of us.

Moved or upset by the freshness of a smile, the roundness of a curve, a playful look, a cry of release or the fragility of a silhouette, we would like to keep one of these photos with us, the image of a being among the multitude of the human race, a nude in the living room!

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